If Your Family is Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired…
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for answers because you know that being sick this often and for so long is just not normal.
Here’s what happens: your nervous system exists in a delicate balance between the gas pedal and the brake pedal modes of function.
YOUR GAS PEDAL is needed to excel in survival mode functions. Things like running away from a bear, performing in a physically-intense athletic event, responding quickly when being cut off in traffic…and so on. This is so important for emergency situations, but should not be your default mode.
YOUR BRAKE PEDAL is essential for most of our “baseline” functions. Things like sleep, digestion, immune function, hormone balance, etc. Things that are vital for you to thrive and be healthy.
Because of how life goes on a day-to-day basis, we are often pushed into the GAS PEDAL mode. And while we were not designed to perpetually exist in that state, most of us do.
If you or your family is getting sick often, there’s a good chance your nervous system is stuck in GAS PEDAL mode. So no matter how many rounds of antibiotics you take, no matter how much elderberry syrup you consume, or how much you wash your hands…your immune system may continue to have lots of challenges.
It’s time for a new approach. It’s time to address the ROOT of the issue that is creating such a barrier keeping your immune system from thriving. We can help.