Theo’s Birth Story
As we celebrate another birthday this month, join along in reading a wonderfully positive birth story!
Pelvic Strength & Stability
If you’ve struggled with pelvic pain and feelings of instability during pregnancy, this is absolutely the piece you want to read.
Stretches & Daily Activities
Keep your body moving and comfortable by keeping up with these stretches in pregnancy!
Self Care is NOT Selfish
A healthy pregnancy often requires more providers than just your OB or midwife. Check to see some of my favorite providers, as well as my Roanoke resource list!
Surround Yourself with Positivity
Preparing for birth can be filled with a lot of fear. Let’s drown that out with some positivity. Here are my best tips for doing just that!
42-Week Mindset
There are countless ways to prepare for the end of pregnancy mentally and physically. But I think this one might be the most important of them all.
Proper Sleeping & Sitting
With sleep and work taking up LARGE chunks of our day, it’s imperative we are mindful of our positioning through them, ESPECIALLY during pregnancy.
4 Signs Your Provider Missed a Lip or Tongue Tie
Not all providers are trained in a proper tongue tie assessment. Here are some signs your baby might not have received a thorough assessment.
Ear Infections & Chiropractic
There’s a reason for recurrent ear infections, and it’s probably not what you’ve been told!
Key Components to a Healthy Nest
What are some of the key things you can be doing to create a healthy environment for the child you haven’t met yet but already know you’ll love more than anything in the entire world?
A Twist on Dr. Kimmie’s Passion
“I strive to be an advocate for the health of our next generation.”
Preparing your Pets for your New Baby
A new baby isn't only a transition for the parents, but also for the furry siblings in the family. Here are some of our top tips to help transition so both your pets and you are comfortable with the new bundle!
Tips on Visiting a New Mom: How to be Helpful without Crossing Boundaries
You've been waiting 9 long months for your friend or family member to give birth to their precious little baby . . . But, before you rush to the hospital or to her home, read these 9 tips for visiting a new mom and how you can be helpful to her without crossing boundaries.
Getting the Most out of Maternity Photos
Check it out as we talk to a local photographer about her tips and tricks, and what to consider when taking your maternity photos.
Packing Your “Go” Bag
Let us help you navigate what you absolutely must include in your "GO" bag, and what things you can leave out!
Essential Oils for Labor
You've heard a lot about them, but there are lots of things to consider for giving birth, using essential oils. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to use oils in labor, as well as which ones!
10 Ways Pregnancy May Change your Relationship with Your Partner
As we prepare for baby, it can be easy to let the relationship with our partner take a backseat on our priority list. Check out some of our top tips and reasons why nurturing this relationship should still be at the top of your priority list!
Saving $$$ on Baby Products
Babies can get expensive. Let's chat about some of our best tips on saving money in preparation for the arrival of your little one!
Preparing your Older Kid(s) for Baby
*Guest Blog Alert!* A new baby is a transition for everyone. Sometimes, it can be tougher on your kids than anyone else in the house. Listen to Melissa's (mom of three) best tips on preparing your older kids for their new sibling!