Baby Registry: What to Include and What to Skip
Adding a new person into your house means you need a whole lot of new things. Let's talk about some of the essentials, some of the unexpected necessities, and also some of the items you could probably skip!
A Deeper Look at Low Back Pain
Take a look at two of the most COMMON causes of low back pain that we see at CFC, and learn what CAUSES them.
5 Tips for a Healthier Immune System During Pregnancy
Oh boy! Illness is always annoying, but getting sick more often when you're pregnant is even MORE irritating. Here's WHY your body is doing this to you, and some ways you can help boost your immune system through it!
My Due Date
There are very specific reasons why nobody knows my due date. Let me tell you why...and why I think more families should consider keeping this information on the down low!
Your Birth Team: Who’s Important and Why
There are lots of people who play an important role in your pregnancy and birth experience. Let us help you find out who they are and how they can help you!
Detoxing Your life for a Healthier Pregnancy
There are a lot of things to consider to remove unnecessary chemical stressors from your life. Let us help you figure out what they are and how to replace them!
Alyssa’s Pregnancy Journey: Three Things I learned
Alyssa has had 3 different pregnancy journeys. Check out what she's learned about herself through her different journeys!
Hot Air Balloon Uterus
What in the world does a hot air balloon have to do with a pregnant uterus? Join us as we talk about the ligaments connecting the uterus to the sacrum, and why it's important to keep both in balance!
The Reality of Stress: Part 2
This is the part of the story I REALLY wanted to tell you. Let's talk about what really happened when my stress response was through the roof!
The Power that Made the Body Heals the Body
How much do we trust our bodies to do what it's designed to do? Read Dr. Kimmie's first encounter with a child's raw, uninhibited innate response to an adjustment and what we can do to trust our bodies!
My Symptoms are Getting… Worse?
It's not common, and it's DEFINITELY not what you were wanting to hear. But sometimes it happens...but that isn't always a bad thing! Listen in on what's going on with your body and why some people seem WORSE at first.
An Oily Mama’s 5 Favorite Essential Oil Recipes
Alyssa's journey through essential oils has taught her so much, and brought her to learn her 5 favorite Mama Must-Haves when it comes to essential oil recipes for her family.
Down the Rabbit Hole: A Practical Guide to WHY and HOW to Lead a More Natural Life
You've thought about it a lot. You have every intention...but it can be REALLY daunting to transition into a more natural lifestyle. Let's help you out on this journey!
The Reality of Stress: Part One
Stress has a very real, physiological effect on our bodies. It affects ALL systems, and none of us are immune to it. Let's chat about what happens, and what you can do about it.
Chiropractic: The First Resort
Often, chiropractic is the unspoken last resort. Read to hear Dr. Kimmie share why chiropractic should be the FIRST resort for solutions to your family's health!
Tiger and the Three T’s
Some say Tiger's downfall started with his back surgeries. Some say the issue is the prescription medication. Or maybe it all stems from emotional issues? Dr. Jake has followed his whole career- the highs and the lows; click to hear what he has to say about everything going on with Tiger!
My First Fever (and why it made me giddy)
For Dr. Kimmie, her first fever didn't happen until much later than you would expect! Check out why this was the case, and why she's thrilled to have them in her life!
Outlast Your Competition
Dr. Jake shares his thoughts on the most important key to your golf game!